We invite you to the 10th International Scientific Conference "Science &Business - Common Challenges".

We cordially invite you to participate in the 10th International Scientific Conference Science and Business – common challenges. The conference will be held in a hybrid form on November 14, 2024 in Szczecin, on-site at the Institute of Economics and Finance and online on the MS Teams platform.


The main theme of this year’s Conference will be challenges related to the green transformation and implementing the goal of climate neutrality in business. Although these issues have long gone beyond strictly academic debate, they have now become a real challenge for countries, their economies and the economic entities operating in them. We realize that the green transformation is not a marketing slogan, an empty slogan operating in the media space, but a necessary condition for following the path of sustainable development. It is also, or perhaps above all, a matter of our responsibility for the environmental and economic security of future generations.

  1. How can universities cooperate with business and government in creating and implementing green transformation strategies?
  2. How can public authorities support university research and educational initiatives in the field of sustainable development?
  3. What are the biggest challenges that science, business and the public sector face in achieving the green transformation?
  4. How can economic needs be balanced with environmental protection?
    What are good practices in science, business and the public sector in implementing the green transformation?

We address these questions to both representatives of the academic community (scientists, students) and representatives of enterprises, business associations, business environment organizations and local authorities, hoping that our Conference will become an opportunity to exchange experiences, discuss and jointly seek answers to these and other questions.


The world is changing at breakneck speed, and in the face of ecological challenges, organizations must adapt to new realities. Ecological transformation is becoming a key element of business and scientific strategies. Our Conference will become a forum for exchanging experiences, breaking down barriers between various sectors and building bridges towards a sustainable future between all stakeholder groups: scientists and students, companies and public administration.

The conference is divided into two complementary parts. The first one, of a practical and scientific nature, focuses on the presentation of research and interdisciplinary discussions. The second part is practical applications in business, where real cases and strategies are discussed.


This event is a continuation and extension of the Science and Business Panel (B2B) organized by the AGH University of Science and Technology since 2015, the constant goal of which is to integrate representatives of the science and business communities. The conference is organized jointly by three research centers: the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, the University of Szczecin, and the Casimir the Great University in Bydgoszcz.